Crack NOD32 For Version 3 and 4 Free Update Forever
This crack is for ESET Smart Security 4 and NOD32 Antivirus 4. It works with version 3 also. It completely stops the trial period from ever counting down.
ESET will stay at 31 days always without having to restart your computer. You will have FULL "Self-defense" always. It also converts a Retail to a Trial version. It was tested using version 4.0.314 on WinXP (x86/x64) & Vista (x86/x64).
1. Install ESET. (If already installed, then skip to step 2.)
2. Execute the program and follow the simple on screen instructions to [Lock] the trial period (This program doesn't install anything on to your computer.)
3. Make sure that you [Unlock] ESET before uninstalling it.
NOTE 1: To Disable (or Enable) the Self-defense, open ESET, press keyboard
NOTE 2: The current virus signature version will not be displayed in the tray icon. It will display again only after you have unlocked ESET and restart the computer. To see the current signature version, open ESS/NOD32. To restore ESET version in the tray icon, just [Unlock] ESET and RESTART PC.
NOTE 3: Problem updating ESET has nothing to do with this program.
Crack ini untuk ESET Smart Security 4 dan NOD32 Antivirus 4. Crack ini dapat bekerja juga pada versi 3.
Crack ini benar-benar dapat memhentikan masa percobaan dari Program NOD32 yang anda gunakan bila tidak menggunakan license, sehingga tidak pernah lagi program NOD32 yang anda gunakan melakukan penghitungan mundur dari masa percobaan (Trial) dan anda dapat menggunakan program NOD32 dengan masa percobaan selamanya tanpa harus memakai license atau mencari username dan passwordnya dalam melakukan update.
Program NOD32 yang anda gunakan akan selalu tinggal 31 hari tanpa harus merestart komputer Anda. Anda akan selalu memiliki FULL "